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Teeth Whitening Options at Dental & TMJ Specialists of Greater DC

Zoom Tooth Whitening Treatments

The first teeth-whitening option is an in-office treatment where teeth whitening is done professionally using the Zoom teeth whitening method. Zoom hydrogen peroxide whitening gel is applied to the teeth. The Zoom light penetrates the teeth and breaks up the stains and discolorations. Immediately following this procedure, a sensitivity-reducing fluoride paste gel is applied to the teeth. With professional teeth whitening, you never have to worry about your results being too subtle to notice. They will be fully visible after treatment.

At-Home Teeth Whitening Options

The second option is an at-home treatment system where patients can whiten their teeth using customized dental trays along with thin applications of whitening gel as prescribed by our specialists per week.

Is Teeth Whitening Safe?

Absolutely! We don’t offer any treatments or procedures at Dental & TMJ Specialists of Greater DC that aren’t safe and proven effective. Zoom teeth whitening and our at-home options are all safe ways to brighten and whiten your teeth quickly and easily.

Who is a Good Candidate for Tooth Whitening?

Almost anyone is a good candidate for teeth whitening, especially at-home teeth whitening treatments. If you’re struggling with stains, yellow teeth, or anything that’s not white teeth, you are likely a good candidate for one of our tooth whitening treatment options.

With Zoom teeth whitening, you should have little to no tooth sensitivity, have healthy gums, be committed to maintaining good oral hygiene, have realistic expectations of treatment, and struggle with tooth discoloration, stains, or yellowing on your teeth.

Both treatments work best on yellow teeth versus brown teeth, but your dentist will customize treatment for you.

What to Expect from Teeth Whitening

During your initial consultation, your doctor will determine if teeth whitening is right for you, and if so, then they will determine if Zoom or at-home teeth whitening is right for your needs. More advanced staining may need professional teeth whitening compared to the at-home approach.

To start Zoom teeth whitening, we’ll start by cleaning your teeth of any stains or debris. From there, your provider will then apply hydrogen peroxide gel to the teeth. The custom Zoom light will then be applied to the teeth. The light breaks up the stains and discoloration, revealing the brighter smile underneath.

With at-home teeth whitening, we’ll walk you through all the steps to ensure you know what to do when you get home.

After Teeth Whitening

After the Zoom light is used, we’ll apply a sensitivity-reducing fluoride paste gel to reduce any sensitivity you experience. From there, you are free to go. You’ll notice brighter, whiter teeth immediately. You’ll want to follow your dentist’s instructions on how best to care for your teeth after treatment.

To maintain your new whiter smile, you’ll want to brush and floss regularly (you can use whitening toothpastes if you’d like), use mouthwash, avoid darkly-colored foods and drinks, drink plenty of water, and visit your dentist regularly for checkups.

Laser Teeth Whitening FAQs

Schedule A Consultation

Ready to have the beautifully white smile you’ve always wanted? You could not choose better than our team at Dental & TMJ Specialists of Greater DC. We’ll walk you through the entire whitening process to ensure you’re completely comfortable. To get started, call our Bethesda, MD office at (240) 358-3078 or use our online contact form to schedule a consultation today.

Award-Winning Care

Dr. Kaplan has recently been awarded by the American College of Prosthodontists recognizing extraordinary collegiality, outreach, and community service.