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What is Suresmile?

SureSmile is an orthodontic treatment that uses clear aligners to adjust and move the teeth into proper alignment. Your aligner treatment plan can be customized to your teeth for a perfect, comfortable fit and predictable results.

Who is a Good Candidate for Suresmile?

Good candidates for Suresmile aligners are patients who can commit to their oral hygiene and who are struggling with the following orthodontic concerns:

  • Crowding: Teeth are too close together
  • Overbite: Upper front teeth overlap lower front teeth
  • Crossbite: Upper teeth sit inside your lower teeth
  • Underbite: Lower teeth sit in front of your upper teeth
  • Spacing/gaps: a gap between one or more teeth
  • Open Bite: Top and bottom teeth don’t touch when the mouth is closed
  • Crooked Teeth: Teeth are misaligned or slanted

SureSmile can be a great alternative to traditional metal braces for those who don’t want a visible option or who aren’t good candidates for metal braces.

What to Expect With SureSmile

At Dental & TMJ Specialists of Greater DC, our dental professionals will be with you through every step of your SureSmile clear aligners treatment. From consultation to your new smile and beyond, we’ll ensure you have the beautiful smile you deserve.

SureSmile Consultation

Your first appointment will be to determine if the SureSmile clear aligner system is right for you. If your provider determines it’s the right treatment for you, we’ll start by taking digital scans (or digital impressions). These are photos of your teeth and mouth to ensure the SureSmile Digital Lab experts can create your removable clear aligners to fit your teeth exactly.

Your provider may also use the SureSmile™ Simulator to show you a 3D visualization of what your teeth will look like after your clear aligner treatment.

After your consultation, your doctor and SureSmile experts will work together to build a customized treatment plan for you. This typically takes 2-4 weeks.

SureSmile Treatment

After 2-4 weeks, you’ll come back into the office and receive your kit of aligners as well as the SureSmile® VPro™ High-Frequency Device to ensure your aligners always fit properly. We’ll show you how to put in your aligners, how to use the high-frequency device, and give you a schedule for when to change your aligners.


As treatment continues, we’ll have you in for regular check-ins to ensure treatment is going as planned and no changes need to be made. Typically, SureSmile takes anywhere from 12 to 18 months, but it greatly depends on how quickly your teeth move and the final results we’re looking for.

Schedule A Consultation

Achieve the beautiful smile you deserve with SureSmile at Dental & TMJ Specialists of Greater DC! With this unique custom clear aligner system, you can finally achieve a straight smile and maintain it for years to come. Take the first step and schedule a consultation today. Call our Bethesda, MD office at (240) 358-3078 or message us using our contact form.

Award-Winning Care

Dr. Kaplan has recently been awarded by the American College of Prosthodontists recognizing extraordinary collegiality, outreach, and community service.